Steve Harvey THREATENS Katt Williams For Exposing Him As A Pimp

Steve Harvey THREATENS Katt Williams For Exposing Him As A Pimp

Steve Harvey THREATENS Katt Williams For Exposing Him As A Pimp

Okay, so this drama between Katt Williams and Steve Harvey is starting to get REALLY interesting because Steve Harvey is now firing back at Katt and threatening to release HIS dark secrets. In case y’all haven’t been keeping your sears to the streets, Katt recently came out to expose Steve for allegedly p*mping out Lori to men in the industry, and Steve is NOT having this because he is slamming Katt.

He even went as far as to threaten to hire a private investigator to do some deep digging on Katt to find some dirt on him. Y’all, it’s like we’re about to see a full-blown war between these two, so let’s break down this drama!


Harvey then turned to the board to ask, “What is a surgeon?” Unfortunately for Erin, her guess wasn’t one of the top answers.

“Somewhere, Alex [Trebek, long-time Jeopardy! host] is laughing,” wrote one fan.

“I could see someone very nervous getting confused for sure!” added another commenter, while one person wrote, “Poor thing was horrified at her own mistake.”

Others shared GIFs of Trebek dancing and giving a thumbs up, while some took Erin’s lead and gave their guesses in the form of a question, too.

“What is a Judge?” wrote one fan.

Meanwhile, the official Jeopardy! Instagram page jumped into the comments to share their support for Erin. “Nothing wrong with answering in the form of a question,” the comment read.

“You can’t make this stuff up!” added another.

This isn’t the first time Jeopardy! has come up during an episode of Family Feud. Back in a 2018 episode, Harvey was so incredulous over one contestant’s answer that he ended up throwing his cue cards and jokingly declaring, “You know what I’m going to do? I’m gonna go host Jeopardy.”

Sadly, we’ve yet to see a true Family Feud and Jeopardy! crossover episode.


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